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New Recruits

On December 23, 2023, Chad and Vy hosted a competition to find the next Spy Ninja in their video The NEXT Spy Ninja is…. After a fierce contest, Shinobi emerged victorious, earning a place among the Spy Ninja ranks. Stormi and Reo also became trusted allies, joining forces to combat threats like the Scattered Skulls cyber terrorists.

Reo pic


  • From -
  • Quirks -
  • Height -
  • Texas
  • Sensitive Ego
  • 5'8"


Reo is a street fighter, boxer, and wrestler who initially tried out to become the next Spy Ninja. With his impressive strength and size, he seemed like a perfect fit. However, it soon discovered that Reo was planted in the competition by The Scattered Skull cyber terrorist group. When they betrayed him and attempted to “un-alive” him, Reo was forced to defend himself and found an unexpected ally in the Spy Ninjas during several missions. Despite his reputation as a bully and a roughneck, Reo has repeatedly proven that sometimes, the enemy of your enemy can become a valuable friend!


  • Martial Arts/Fighting
  • 8 / 10
  • Stealth/Sneakiness
  • 3 / 10
  • Speed
  • 6 / 10
  • Hacking Skills
  • 4 / 10

Fun Facts

Icon Food
Favorite Food:
Reese's Pieces
Icon Weapon
Favorite Gadget:
Baseball Bat
Icon Move
Favorite Ninja Move:
Sleeper Hold
Icon Nickname
The Mouthy Bully